Are you ready to step into your power?

Awaken. Empower. Connect. Lead.

Are you called to live, connect and lead with depth, purpose and integrity?

Are you passionate about supporting women (and mothers) to feel more supported, seen, heard and honoured? 

Do you feel inspired to create spaces that will ignite the courage within women to reconnect with and embody their truth, find their voices, and embody their power? 

  Then our Facilitation Course is your gateway to becoming a wise and powerful leader in the sacred art of Holding Space & Women’s Circles.

Here is what you will receive when you sign up for the Holding Space journey:

Live Journey 
  • 10x Online Live Calls
  • with 9 incredible Guest Speakers you are going to want to hear from. 
  • On Tuesdays and/or Thursdays through August & September
  • Calls will include live Q&A 
  • All calls will be recorded
Pre-recorded Learning Journey.
  • 5+hrs of self-paced video learning content covering all the foundations you will need for Holding Space and Facilitating Women's Circles with integrity, depth and power.
A Guide to Shamaic Medicine Drum Journeying
  • including a journey to meet your Inner Wise Woman.
A Song Sharing Guide & Song Library
  • A dozen medicine songs for Circles and Facilitation. Includes tips on sharing songs and singing with the medicine drum and drum patterns.
1x Online Women's Circle 
  • for you to get a feel for the rhythm and magic of circle
1x Online Group Mentoring Session 
  • to support you once you have finished all the online learning
Online Holding Space Community
  • Community & Support space 

"This course has absolutely provided me with the confidence I needed to be able to hold space for others and to structure and organise a circle with intention and ease. It has inspired me in ways I didn't know I needed and helped me anchor deeper into my "why" for doing this work.

For anyone who is looking to run Women's Circles and dont know where to start, I couldn't recommend this course highly enough.

Its a perfect balance of sacred meets practical.

I loved every second of it!"



Why it is so important to create more spaces for women to gather!

Creating more spaces for women to gather.

Women's Circles are sacred gatherings where women come together to share, support, and inspire empowerment. A safe, inclusive space where women can connect deeply, unmask, express themselves authentically, and explore personal growth. Through practices like ritual, grounding, deep presence, and storytelling, participants foster a sense of community, healing, and sisterhood. Women's circles provide a nurturing environment for self-reflection, collective wisdom, and spiritual connection. Supporting women to live their lives fully, step out of autopilot, and take the front wheel, reclaiming their voices, embracing their strengths, and celebrating their unique journeys.

These spaces are not some new age trend, women have historically gathered in circle-like gatherings for much longer than they have not. Through the pre-recorded learning video journey we explore the rich Her(his)story of Women's Circle.  As part of this we also learn about the Witch Wound and the Sisterhood Wound.  Both wounds that have served through History to keep women small, suppressed, and divided for far too long. 

When we gather the women with clear intention, purpose and the skills of holding space well, we create potential for deep healing of the wounded sisterhood. We support the healing of the Witch Wound by creating spaces for women to reclaim their stories, their voices and to feel the love and support of the women who surround them. 

Women's Circles can be a supportive space for women to remember themselves whole. 

Re-membering that: 

Together we are stronger, 

Together we are wiser, 

Together united, 

Together we rise!

"I have actively been working with women for many years and started circle work in 2022.

Since doing this course there has been such an incredible deepening into the connection with myself and to show up authenticity and as a strong leader, unapologetically. 

In many ways, it has exceeded my expectations and also offered me a deeper awareness of how I would like circles to unfold and heal women within my community. I felt I gained a lot from all of the course!


The Incredible Guest Speakers for Our Live Journey Together

Sharing their unique wisdom, knowledge and expertise in these sessions intentionally crafted to enhance your space holding, facilitation and leadership skills.

Sarah Ford

Live Journey Calender

All times are in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). If you cant make a call, don't worry! All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the student portal.

Tues 13th August, 7 pm

"Opening Call" 
with Siobhán Delaney
Thurs 15th August, 9 am

"The Magic & Medicine of Your Voice" 
with Allison Davies
Tues 20th August, 7 pm

"How the work of Women's Circle will work on you" 
with Sophie Saba

Tues 27th August, 9 am

"Navigating Trauma, Triggers, and Self-Care as a Facilitator" 
with Sarah Ford
Thurs 29th August, 7 pm

"Acknowledging Traditional Custodians" 
with Stacie Piper
Tues 3rd September, 7 pm

"Women's Circle Business Mastermind" 
with Bec Cameron

Tues 10th September, 7 pm

"Healing the Sisterhood Wound & Embodying the Spine" 
with Anna-Maria & Demi Lee
Thurs 12th September, 7 pm

"Earth-based Leadership" 
with Claire Dunn
Tues 24th September, 12 pm

"Anchoring the Sacred: The Art of Deep Facilitation" 
with Nymh Fox
Thurs 26th September, 7 pm

"Closing Call" 
with Siobhán Delaney

An overview of the Pre-recorded Learning Journey

Access to the pre-recorded learning will open by the 26th July

    1. How To Get Through This Course

    1. Creating an Altar

    2. Acknowledging Traditional Custodians of the lands you gather upon

    3. Opening the Circle and Grounding into the Space

    4. Lighting the Mother Candle and Calling Ourselves Fully Present

    5. Drawing a Card for this Circle of Women

    6. SONG - Gathering the Women

    7. Our Circle is Cast, Lets Begin

    1. Magic of Circle

    2. Herstory of Circle

    3. SONG - I'm Doing My Work

    1. Creating and Holding the Container

    2. Foundations of Holding Space- Self Regulation & Co-Regulation

    3. SONG - Spirit Take My Hand

    4. CALL AND RESPONSE - Spirit Take My Hand

    1. Rhythm of Circle

    2. Practical Considerations

    3. SONG - Lingmarra

    1. A Guide to Shamanic Medicine Drum Journey

    2. An example of guidance into a Shamanic Drum Journeying

    3. Shamanic Drum Journey to Meet Your Inner Wise Woman

Holding Space Video Learning

  • $666.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 16.5 hours of video content
  • Delivery: Pre-recorded and Self-Paced. Hosted by Thinkific
  • Downloads: Video Slides, Pdf resources (inc run sheet), Songs and Guide to Shamanic Medicine Drum Journey
  • Payment Plans Available

Siobhán Delaney will be your sacred guide and midwife throughout the Holding Space journey

Leading all the Pre-recorded Video Learning, Facilitating our Live Journey Opening & Closing Calls and hosting our incredible Guest Speaker calls

Siobhán Delaney

Creatress & Facilitator of all Kindred Womancraft offerings

With almost a decade of experience in walking with women, Birthkeeping, Leading Women's Circles, and guiding over 100 women to birth their own Shamanic Medicine Drums, Siobhán is a masterful Space Holder. She is passionate about creating powerful spaces and offerings that support women to re-member themselves whole. Spaces that ignite a spark within women to take courage and step into their soul-led authentic life. Inhabiting their spine fully, heart wild open. Ultimately, supporting women to come into contact with their innate wisdom, gifts and power so that they can inhabit their lives fully for the benefit of all.  She shows up to all that she does motivated by her devotion to midwifing the cultural shift we so desperately need. She is a Midwife of the Soul, supporting women through rites of passage from womb to tomb. As a woman self-apprenticed to birth & grief for over a decade, she is comfortable and experienced with the landscapes, possibilities and depths of the human experience and shamanic (inner) journey. A Shamanic craftswoman who is always learning and re-membering ancient wisdom, traditional practices and skills to add to her medicine belt. Repairing the fractures in our ancestral remembrance. Wild and brave at heart, Siobhán is a keeper of sacred space and women’s mysteries. A community and song weaver. Offering soul-centric and earth-based holistic care, support, and guidance in all that she does. Supporting women and communities towards a deeper way of living in connection with self, each other, the land, and more than human world. Supporting a deeper sense of belonging as together we remember ourselves Whole & Home.

Who is the course for?

Visionaries. Dreamers. Leaders. Community Weavers.

  • The Mothers

    The mothers who are seeking more depth, direction and purpose outside of their mothering. The mothers longing to build an authentic community. The professional mothers seeking to pivot in their careers to work in a way that centres them more as mothers.

  • The Community-Weavers

    The community leaders who are already or seeking to gather community. The women who are committed to fostering authentic expression, connection, and growth within their community.

  • The Professionals

    The Midwives, Bodyworkers, Social Workers, Coaches, Therapists, and more, who are seeking to gather women with depth and integrity to create a deeper sense of community within their work

  • The Birthkeepers & Doulas

    Those who are devoted to centring and supporting mothers. Already working in devotion to their work but seeking a framework to gather the mothers and build community connections.

  • The Leaders

    The visionary women ready to continue deepening their relationship to self, to others and the earth. Ready to gain clarity in their orientation and direction in the world. Women who are here to become become the leaders the earth needs now. Leading with embodied integrity.

  • The Shamanic Journey Woman

    Any woman who is ready to embark on the journey of deepening her connection to self, others and the earth. The women seeking to find a vehicle from which she can offer her gifts to earth with depth and intention. Ready to show up to this work knowing it will also work on her self evolution.

Why join THIS Women's Circle Facilitation Course opposed to others?

Holding Space will take you on a journey of deep re-membering. Reminding you of the ancient practice of women gathering and igniting within you a re-membering of your innate wisdom and capacity within you to hold powerful space.

It is designed to to connect you to yourself, your gifts and your unique leadership style. Teaching you how to utilize the rhythm of circle as a backbone to create other offerings such as Mother Blessings, Ceremonies, Workshops, and Retreats.

Holding Space is offered as a foundation for you to embody the skills and confidence to deepen and expand into your unique gifts and work in the world.

Over 30 women have journied through the pre-corded Holding Space video learning

Scroll through and read about some of their powerful experiences:

“As someone who has been a solo energy worker, creative and ceremonialist for many years I was looking for a course for a long time that would help me gain the knowledge and wisdom to move from individual work to groups offerings. I was initially looking to fill the gaps in my own knowledge and experience but what I got out of this course was so much more.

Siobhan shows up with so much authenticity and with a decade of experience running circles you can feel the depth, power and devotion in all that she shares. The information is structured extremely well from start to finish. It is simple yet so profound and covers every inch of what you would need to know in the beginning of running your own women's circles, in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming, all while leaving space for you to make it your own.

This course has absolutely provided me with the confidence I needed to be able to hold space for others and to structure and organise a circle with intention and ease. It has inspired me in ways I didn't know I needed and helped me anchor deeper into my "why" for doing this work.

For anyone who is looking to run Women's Circles and dont know where to start, I couldn't recommend this course highly enough. Its a perfect balance of sacred meets practical. I loved every second of it!”


“I have actively been working with women for many years and started circle work in 2022 as part of my own growth and expanison and felt called to offer this to my community. I had a sense of what to do and after receiving feedback from a few of my circles I felt called to do some training.

Siobhan has managed to weave and create so much knowledge, wisdom, guidance and song into this Holding Space container. I loved all the songs, I loved that you acknowledge the custodians of the land as I have worked like this for many years and find it so important to our work, I loved the opening circle, the grounding, the tree meditation with our holy sisters. I LOVED THE HERSTORY!!

There have been many highlights for me throughout 'Holding Space' with Kindred Womancraft. What really captured my heart was Siobhan and her gentle presence, her grace and ease to guide you through how she works, yet always encouraging you to find your own way. She has so much learned wisdom to share and her gifts are many, she has an ability to make you feel welcomed and at home. Within this online course Siobhan offers you the foundations & knowledge you require to immerse yourself in circle practice as a participant or to fully show up and become a facilitator.

Since doing this course there has been such an incredible deepening into the connection with myself and to show up authenticity and as a strong leader, unapologetically.

In many ways, it has exceeded my expectations and also offered me a deeper awareness of how I would like circles to unfold and heal women within my community. I felt I gained a lot from all of the course! ”


“I signed up for holding space with a desire to create more magical spaces for women. All women deserve to feel held and loved in circle. However, I felt a huge sense of imposter syndrome before taking Siobháns course. I felt the passion and desire but fear held me back.

Since completing Holding Space, I have been running beautiful motherhood and women’s circles with incredible feedback and feel so empowered. Hearing how I have supported revillaging for women and their children, healing sisterhood wounds and providing that much-needed space to just be held, it really has set alight a fire inside for me.

I found the teachings on the practicalities of circle most helpful in holding space. Having a guide to fall back on really supported my confidence in taking the leap.

The impact of this course for both myself and the women in circle has been huge. One of the biggest things I’ve carried is the beauty in simply holding space for healed sisterhood, the grassroots of circle. Women know how to sit in circle together, it’s in our blood, learning and growing in my confidence to provide that space has been life changing.

I would absolutely recommend holding space to any woman thinking of creating a beautiful circle space, whether closed or open in the community. I believe we as women, all hold the knowledge and power to hold this space, this course can provide the key to remembrance. ”


“Holding Space has been a wonderful way to expand my foundations of holding space for women. A look back into 'herstory' of how women have gathered'; of the magic and importance of this. A beautiful guide on how to hold the container, the flow of circle and any practical considerations that might arise. Thank-you Siobhan. I can't wait to embody this knowledge. xx ”


“Holding Space held me while I navigated and deepened my understanding of the intricacies of facilitating a Women's Circle. It has gifted me the knowledge and confidence to trust in myself to run my own community circle and step into my power.

The part on the Beauty Way or walking your prayer in the course really hit home for me. It deepened my capacity and understanding that in order to create and hold spaces for people to be vulnerable, you have to be vulnerable yourself. I learned that if I am to do this work and truly walk the way, I need to anchor myself unshakeably and deeply understand my why.

Siobhan holds the space with such integrity, wisdom and heart; her words and songs are medicine like the medicine woman that she is. Grateful for the opportunity to learn from her. Highly recommend if you are thinking of stepping into your own power within this sacred space. ”


“I was attracted to Siobhan's Holding Space after experiencing an in-person circle with Siobhan. I had attended women's circles before this, but Siobhan's circle was different. It was deeper, more connected, a container of safety that I could feel permeating into my bones, where I could be me. I knew this course would build my confidence and skills in doing exactly what the course says, holding space (and it did!)

I loved the way Siobhan breaks the steps down, talking through and explaining each process, allowing you to experience the crafting and creation of your own unique way to hold circles while being gently guided by Siobhan's knowledge.I now run women's circles, to me the opening of circle is such a vital time to create the container, creating the safety of the space so that women can let go and be themselves. Through the guidance of Siobhan's course, I was able to draw upon her teachings, while allowing my own unique circle openings to flow into the space. I now feel confident in creating containers for women, I can feel in myself, and the women in attendance of my circles that deep sense of connection, openness, and safety that I longed to create for others.

This course made me want to experience more. More women's work, more women's circles, more inner growth. It tapped into and started the re-membering process for me, as a woman to find that deep held knowledge we all have within us.

If you have been wanting to start Holding Space for women, or if you want to deepen your practice of holding women’s circles then this course is for you. The content is beautifully crafted, it's delivered with soulful wisdom, gentleness and understanding. Siobhan has created a course that builds your knowledge, confidence and wisdom through a remembering of ourselves.”


The vision for Holding Space is for the magic and medicine of gathering women to ripple out into communities around the world. Weaving women's circle back into the fabric society.

Because in a world that often disconnects us from our true selves and each other, the need for sacred women’s circles has never been greater. This course is more than just training; it is a re-membering and call to step into your power, to heal, and to lead.

Holding Space is for the woman who is longing to remember ancient ways of coming together with honourable intention. Longing to rekindle their connection to a deeper way of living. Ritual & Ceremony. The woman ready to reclaim their authentic voice, gifts and ways of being in the world. 

Women's Circles are humble yet profound spaces that plant and nurture these seeds of remembrance. It is ancient medicine work that will work on those who lead as much as those who gather.

Live Journey In Depth

Lean in and learn from these extraordinary, and inspiring Guest Speakers

7 pm (AEST), Tuesday 13th August

"Opening Call" with Siobhán Delaney

9 am (AEST), Thursday 15th August

"The Magic & Medicine of your voice" with Allison Davies

Topic Overview:

In this enlightening session, Allison will share her expertise on using music and voice as powerful tools for healing and connection within a trauma-informed and neuro-affirming framework.

Participants will explore the transformative potential of their voices, learning how to use melodic mantras and therapeutic singing to foster a sense of safety and connection within their circles. Allison will discuss the importance of dismantling harmful musical myths and embracing the innate power of our voices as instruments of healing and empowerment.

Allison’s insights will help facilitators create a nurturing and supportive environment where women can reclaim their voices and experience the profound benefits of therapeutic singing. Through practical exercises and shared experiences, attendees will gain valuable tools to integrate the magic and medicine of voice into their facilitation practices.

Join Allison Davies for a transformative session that will inspire women circle facilitators to harness the healing power of their voices, fostering deeper connections and enhancing the collective well-being of their circles. This talk will provide practical guidance and profound insights for creating a harmonious and empowered sisterhood through the magic of voice.

About Allison:

Allison Davies (she/her) lives and works on Tommeginne country, Lutruwita (Tasmania, Australia) using music and voice therapeutically, as a way of experiencing felt safety within a trauma informed and neuro affirming framework.Alli is a former Neurologic Music Therapist who stepped out of the allied health system after 16 years, and now focuses on enacting societal change by dismantling harmful musical myths. She is founder of ‘A Gathering of Voices’, an online singing community that uses melodic mantra as a trauma informed musical experience via weekly, online song sharing circles.

7 pm (AEST), Tuesday 20th August

"How the work of Women's Circle will Work on You" with Sophie Saba

Topic Overview:

In this  session Sophie Saba will explore the profound impact that facilitating women’s circles can have on the facilitators themselves, emphasizing personal growth, empowerment, and deeper self-connection.

Sophie will speak to how facilitating women's circles encourages facilitators to engage in their own inner work. Drawing from her experience in 1:1 Coaching and Women's Circle Facilitation, she will address common themes such as sister wounds, worthiness, Imposter syndrome, and overcoming feelings of "enoughness" that women often confront. Sophie will share stories and insights on how these challenges can be navigated and transformed for you to feel confident in your facilitation of women’s circles.

Participants will gain practical strategies and wisdom from Sophie’s own journey of facilitating women's circles. She will highlight the transformative power of holding space for others, while nurturing personal growth and self-awareness. Attendees will learn how to integrate these insights into their own facilitation practices, creating more authentic and supportive women’s circles.

Join Sophie Saba for an inspiring session that will empower women circle facilitators to embrace their personal journey of healing and growth through the profound work of women's circles. This talk will provide practical guidance and profound insights for creating transformative and empowering experiences within women’s circles.

About Sophie:

Sophie Saba is a devoted mother and wife motivated in her work by a deep desire to hold, see and nourish women. She creates powerful spaces for women to come home to themselves. Spaces for women to feel empower themselves and connect them to the power of healed sisterhood. In all that she does Sophie draws upon her well-honed skills in Sound Healing, Breath Work, Timeline Therapy, Somatics, Holistic Counselling & Women’s Circle. She has a powerful way of bringing people together. Holding the most divine spaces for women to be witnessed, to explore their edges and remember their wholeness.

9am (AEST), Tuesday 27th August

"Navigating Trauma, Triggers and Self-care as a Facilitator" with Sarah Ford

Topic Overview:

In this insightful session tailored for women facilitators, Sarah will explore the complexities of navigating trauma, triggers, and self-care. With her background in clinical psychology and holistic healing practices, Sarah offers valuable perspectives on managing the emotional and psychological challenges that can arise in women's circles.

Participants will learn practical strategies for recognising and addressing their own triggers and trauma, an important skill in facilitation and leadership. She will also explore agreements and techniques that support facilitators when participant's triggers and traumas come up. 

Sarah will offer practices for maintaining self-care amidst the demands of supporting others, and tips on how to handle triggering / trauma when it arises in a group. These are vital skills for creating a safe space, and avoiding burnout. 

This session is designed to equip women circle facilitators with tools and insights for navigating trauma and triggers. It will inspire facilitators to create a balanced and sustainable practice that honors their own needs as well as those of the women they support.

About Sarah:

In Sarah's work, she weaves the soulful and spiritual with the skills she developed while previously working for many years as a clinical psychologist. 

Over time Sarah found that we all have deep, healing reserves within us but often we have not been shown how to access these, or have disconnected from them. She believes that tapping into these healing reserves offers us a gift that ripples out way beyond ourselves; it ripples out to family, community, and beyond.

Sarah helps people connect with their inner guidance via movement/dance, meditation, writing, drawing, dream work, and reflective conversations. She facilitates individual and group sessions, drawing on years of professional and personal practice. 

7 pm (AEST), Thursday 29th August

"Acknowledging Traditional Custodians" with Stacie Piper

Topic Overview:

In this talk, Stacie Piper will delve into what it means to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land, shedding light on the importance of this practice. She will share with us the rich cultural values and knowledge embedded in Aboriginal Peoples' culture. Sharing her insights on how honouring this knowledge is instrumental in maintaining balance and safeguarding Country for future generations. Stacie will also discuss the significance of empowering individuals to care for the natural environment and foster strong community connections.

Through her storytelling, Stacie aims to encourage everyone who calls this place home to deepen their connection to the land and its traditional custodians. We will focus on the importance of increasing awareness and education through the simple yet profound practice of acknowledging traditional custodians in a way that feels genuine and impactful, rather than just ticking a box. Attendees will gain a profound understanding of the ongoing cultural practices and the vital role of Aboriginal Peoples in sustaining the environment and community well-being. 

Join us in this honour of learning directly from Stacie Piper as she shares her knowledge and wisdom, inspiring us to integrate our deep heartfelt acknowledgment and respect for the Traditional Custodians of the land into our facilitation.

About Stacie: 

Stacie is a proud Wurundjeri, Djadjawurrung and Ngurai Illum-Wurrung woman. She is a Djirri Djirri Dancer, and First Nations Curator, TarraWarra Museum of Art – a gallery on Wurundjeri Country, which curates the stories of the First Peoples of South East Australia.  She has focused on promoting the voices of Aboriginal people in South East Australia, for many years now, ‘we are still here and we have a great deal of cultural values and knowledge to share.’ In this work, she sees her key role as that of storyteller and story facilitator, connecting past and present and allowing their continuity to be visible.The clans she is genealogically connected to are a part of the Central Victorian Clans of the Kulin Nation. She aims to bring the stories of caring for Country and healing community to the surface. As the rights and responsibilities of First Peoples, these have never ceased. The First Peoples of South East Australia are all closely connected through kinship, songlines, waterlines, and the land itself. This inherent knowledge links them through deep time, making them instrumental in leading the way to sustaining the balance of Country for generations. Their values and knowledge are embedded in culture, and she loves to share this, and encourage all who call this place home to become more connected. 

"I am driven to empower people to care for country, maintain strong connections to our natural environment, and help heal our communities."

7pm (AEST), Tuesday 3rd September

"Womens Circle Business Mastermind" with Bec Cameron

Topic Overview:

This session with Bec Cameron is designed to harness intuitive and evidence-based strategies for optimizing business operations and fostering peak performance in heart-led, highly sensitive nervous systems.

Participants will delve into Bec's expertise in streamlining systems, mastering communication, and implementing trauma-informed processes to fortify resilience and nurture sustainable success. Bec will guide facilitators through challenges unique to soul-led business and entrepreneurship, emphasizing integrity and sustainability.

Attendees will gain practical insights and actionable steps to enhance their business operations within the context of women’s circle facilitation to streamline operations and give them more time to do what they love, gathering the women!

Bec will share strategies for optimizing organizational efficiency, fostering a supportive environment, and aligning business practices with personal values and holistic well-being.

Join Bec Cameron for an insightful mastermind session that will equip women circle facilitators with the tools and strategies needed to elevate their business practices while honoring their intuitive, heart-centered approach. This talk promises to inspire transformative growth and sustainable success within women’s circle facilitation and beyond.

About Bec:

The intuitive architect of all things systems, organization, operations and ACTION, here to sculpt your business into the masterpiece you've envisioned and coach you and your heart-led, highly sensitive nervous system for peak performance.After nearly a decade working in the online spaces, as well as formal training and experience in everything from mental health to mindset, Bec's expertise lies in the realms of human behaviour, mastering communication, optimising experiences, streamlining systems, implementing trauma-informed processes and coaching for excellence. Bec crafts safe and inclusive spaces where entrepreneurs can thrive while exploring the impact of trauma, mental health and neurodivergence on personal and professional growth. By leveraging intuitive, yet evidence-based strategies, She guides her clients through challenges, fortifying their resilience, and nurturing sustainable success."

7 pm (AEST), Tuesday 10th September

"Healing the Sisterhood Wound & Embodying the Spine" with Anna-Marie and Demi Lee

Topic Overview:

In this transformative session  Anna-Maria and Demi Lee will delve into the deep-seated wounds that often divide women and explore pathways to healing and reconnection.

Participants will discover how to harness fierce self-love and sovereign connection to their intrinsic female intelligence. 

Together, Anna-Maria and Demi Lee will empower facilitators with the tools to heal sisterhood wounds within their circles, fostering a supportive and nurturing environment. They will emphasize the importance of reclaiming matriarchal wisdom and integrating celebrated rites of passage into community practices.

Join Anna-Maria and Demi Lee for an enlightening session that will inspire women circle facilitators to lead with strength, authenticity, and deep connection to themselves and their sisters. This talk will provide practical guidance and profound insights for creating a harmonious and empowered sisterhood.

About Anna-Maria & Demi Lee:

Anna-Maria is on the frontlines of leading a revolution of women who exist in fierce self-love and sovereign connection to their intrinsic female intelligence. Her medicine is rooted in un-domesticating the female spirit, re-villaging the heart of community, and integrating dance and expression as powerful healing modalities. Anna-Maria’s line of work is deeply anchored in tending to the fractures that occur across the timeline of our lives and supporting women to re-access the depths of their own unique medicine. With a particular passion for birth, eroticism, and ancestral connection, her legacy is igniting waves of radical self-love and soul regeneration across a global sisterhood.

Demi Lee is a weaver of the wild. She is a facilitator in embodiment, dance, somatics, emotional landscape exploration, and grief work. She is passionate about de-armouring the parts that are holding ourselves back from liberating our most uninhibited, authentic expression. Fostering a deep connection to earth, self, spirit, life, death, grief, and community - through re-wilding both our inner and outer landscapes. Leading from instinct, intuition, and shamanic protocol, alongside 10+ years of plant devotion and training in various healing modalities including Parts Work and Death Doulaship, Demi's power lies in supporting people to explore their emotional landscape. 

Together, Anna-Maria & Demi Lee are the co-founders of the Eclectica School of Womb-Craft and Visionary Dance, a holistic institution built on the foundations of sisterhood, embodied expression, and the reclamation of the matriarchal wisdom through the reintegration of celebrated and supported rights of passage. 

7 pm (AEST), Thursday 12th September

"Earth-based leadership" with Claire Dunn

Topic Overview:

In this engaging talk, Claire Dunn will explore the concept of Earth-based leadership, a transformative approach that reconnects us with our ecological selves and the natural world. Claire will share her insights on Women's Circle and why leadership today needs to be rooted in ecological awareness and sustainability. 

Attendees will learn about the principles of human rewilding and how cultivating a wild consciousness can inspire effective and compassionate leadership. Claire will discuss the importance of integrating deep ecology, ecopsychology, and soul-centric practices into our daily lives and leadership roles. Through stories from her own experiences and practical guidance, Claire will inspire participants to embrace an Earth-based leadership approach that honors our intrinsic connection to nature.

Join Claire Dunn for an inspiring call that will challenge conventional leadership paradigms and offer Women's Circle Facilitators a new vision for leading with a deep connection to the Earth and its natural rhythms.

About Claire: 
Claire Dunn is a writer, speaker, barefoot explorer, rewilding facilitator and founder of Nature’s Apprentice. Claire is passionate about human rewilding and believes that a reclaiming of our ecological selves and belonging is key to regenerating wildness on the planet. For the last 15 years, Claire has been facilitating individuals to dive deeply into the mysteries of nature and psyche through the pathways of deep nature connection, ancestral earth skills, deep ecology, ecopsychology, soulcentric nature-based practice, village building, dance, ceremony and contemporary wilderness rites-of-passage. 

Claire is the author of memoir My Year Without Matches, which tells the story of her year living wild. Her recently released memoir Rewilding the Urban Soul explores how we might embody wild consciousness within a modern city context. Claire lives in Melbourne where she lovingly tends her family, garden, community and her own wild heart. 

12 pm (AEST), Tuesday 24th September

"Anchoring the Sacred: The Art of Deep Facilitation" with Nymh Fox

Topic Overview:

Join us for an intimate conversation with Nymh Fox, a long time ecologist and powerful earth-based facilitator, as we explore the art of deep facilitation. With her extensive experience and profound connection to the Earth, Nymh will share some of her wisdom on leading and holding a depth field for people to gather.

In this gathering, we will engage in a simple yet profound discussion, delving into the essence of facilitation. We will ask Nymh about the key elements and practices that anchor her in her work, and how she has cultivated these over the years. By learning from her journey toward wild interconnectedness, steadfastness, and deep devotion, attendees will gain valuable insights to develop their own grounding practices.

We will also explore the importance of holding space with depth and integrity and what this means for Nymh. Her approach to deep listening and connection with the land and the more-than-human world offers a unique and ancient perspective that will provide profound lessons for those looking to enhance their earth-based facilitation and leadership skills.

Additionally, we will delve into Nymh’s deepest 'Why'—the core motivation that orients her life and work. She will share what motivates and anchors her in her devotion, offering insights for women on their journeys to connect with their deeper 'Why' in both work and life. Nymh's gentle guidance and inspiration will be invaluable to those seeking to align their lives with their deepest purposes.

This session promises to be a rich exploration of the sacred art of facilitation, offering valuable insights and inspiration for those seeking to lead with depth, integrity, and a deep connection to the natural world. Join us for this enriching conversation with Nymh Fox and leave feeling anchored and inspired in your facilitation journey.

About Nymh:

Ecologist, Forest dweller, Mother and Wife… Nymh has over 25 years of deep practice, qualification and research in Ecology. And more than a decade as apprentice and teacher at the intersection of the Women’s Mysteries and Earth connection - with a strong focus on wilderness vigil, cyclicity and wild belonging. Her life and work are devoted to Earth. 

 A woman who walks everything she teaches, Nymh combines deep knowledge with profound experience. Her work seeks out powerful sacred ecological pathways into interconnected awareness and living… radical grounded ways of Being human within a sentient world alive.

Nymh lives open-heartedly at the mythopoetic edges, emplaced full-bodied within the cycles of Life and the robust realities of Forest dwelling. She tends a little wild hearth and 30 acres of beloved Land in the Otways hinterland – Gadubanud Country – and is usually found outside somewhere… 

Listening to Life. Being Breathed…

7 pm (AEST), Thursday 26th September

"Closing Call" with Siobhán Delaney

The Pre-recorded Video Learning Journey In Depth

Holding Space is designed for all women who are ready to be deep space holders and leaders. It is for those who are looking for deeper ways of working and living, who want to change paradigms. Through this journey, you will be initiated to deepen into your vision, intentions and your medicine, and feel supported to get out of your own way to lead with heart-centered confidence and integrity.

In today's fast-paced world, countless women are yearning for deeper connections and more authentic lives, unsure how to get there.

Longing to break free from superficial interactions, and to truly inhabit their lives fully.

Women are feeling the need for something to change, not only in their own live but for the good of all our kin. But who will create this change....

If not us, then who dear hearts? 

This Journey Will Remind You that We Are the Women the Earth Needs Now!!

Our strength, wisdom, and authenticity are the keys to forging a future where genuine connection and meaningful living become the norm. Join us on this journey and become the change-maker and leader you are destined to be.

Embark on the Journey of Deepening Into Your Unique Gifts and Medicine

Our pre-recorded learning journey blends ancient wisdom with the modern science of Holding Space. Here are some of the valuable lessons you’ll come away with:

  • Protocols for Opening and Closing a deep, connecting and powerful space

  • Absolutely essential agreements to maintain the intention, energy and boundaries of your gatherings. Building a sense of safety for the group to travel deeply and vulnerably together.

  • An understanding of the physiological aspects of holding space. The importance of self-regulation to be able to act as the pillar in your circles for co-regulation.

  • You will come away feeling orientated in not only your work but your life too. Deeply anchored into your deepest 'why.' What it is that you are devoted to and motivates your intentions. Centring you to be an anchor in your facilitation for women to feel comfortable to show up with depth and vulnerability.

  • Ceremony & Ritual to bring much more intention, connection and depth to your facilitation.

  • Changing the way you view your nerves, self-doubts and imposter syndrome to come away with deep conviction and confidence to gather the women and facilitate powerful spaces

  • Bringing attention, insight and healing to your own Sister-Wounds and Witch-Wounds so that you can be a mirror for the women in your gatherings to show up to their own healing. These two wounds are must be addressed in order to create a safe as possible space for women to gather.

  • You will come away with a deep understadning of the rythm of circle for you to use as a foundation for you to express your unique gifts and energy. You will be able to use this foundation of Circle to support you in facilitating Workshops & Retreats

  • An introduction to shamanic medicine drum journeying for yourself and for othersyou will come away

  • some tips for bringing the medicine of singing into your facilitation. With a library of songs including introductory guidance to singing and drumming

How is the pre-recorded learning structured?

This Journey has been carefully so that you can get a really good feel for the rhythm and medicine of circle whilst also learning all the practical skills you will need to become a powerful facilitator. A perfect mixture of the sacred and practical.

Siobhán Opens and Closes the journey just like she would a Women's Circle so that you can ground into presence and open yourself fully to receiving the guidance and wisdom that will most serve you in your journey.

After opening the space you will move into video learning (or rather re-membering as we prefer to name it) where Siobhán teaches the content through presentation slides.

The course is broken down into 8 Modules for our overarching themes then each module is broken down into Chapters. Throughout the video learning journey there are songs woven in as well as helpful downloadable resources. Such as all the class slide, a Flow Sheet for Running Circle, and A Guide to Shamanic Medicine Drum Journey.

Break Down of Prerecorded Learning Modules & Chapters

Module 1: Begin here

  • A video guide on how to get through all the pre-recorded course learning 

Module 2: Opening Ceremony

  • Siobhán opens the space just as she would a Women's Circle. Grounding in, Acknowledging Traditional Custodians, Lighting the Mother Candle. Running though the opening from start to finish to then draw from as an example when teaching in the next modules.

Module 3: The Magic & Herstory of Circle

  • Magic of Circle: Illuminating all the ways in which Circles are Medicine & Magic. Speaking to the Foundational Values & Responsibilities as Facilitators. Exploring Sisterhood Wounds, how they can impact us as facilitators and our responsibility to be a mirror for healing these wounds as a facilitator. Exploring where the Witchwound comes from and how it can show up in your life, holding you back. 
  • Herstory of Circle: Diving into the HERstory (apposed to HIStory)of circle to anchor you and ground you in your motivation and devotion to creating powerful spaces for women to gather and re-member, repair and revive feminine wisdom and knowledge.

Module 4: Holding Space

  • Creating & Holding the Container: Being a powerful Space Holder & Leader begins with you. In this chapter we dive into becoming the Anchor holding the space and what this means. Offering a framework for you to overcome nerves, self-doubt and imposter syndrome to show up with confidence. Speak to money stories and being paid for this work. We go through what 'creating & holding the container' means and how to do it. Working with guides & Allies, ritual and ceremony.
  • Foundations of Holding Space- Self Regulation & Co-Regulation: In this Chapter we learn about the nervous system in the context of Self-regulation & Co-regulations. Gifting you a deep understanding of Holding Space on a physiological level.

Module 5: The Rhythm of Circle

  • Rhythm of Circle: Deep dive into running a circle from start to finish. From how to open the space to closing the space and everything in-between included the most important ingredient for running safe as possible Circle, your agreements.
  • Practical Considerations: In this chapter we speak to the multiple different considerations when running circle. Covering what you will need to Set Up your Circle, Community Led Circle Vs Running Paid Circles, Timing, Wisdom Questions, Charging for Circle, Getting Women to Come and more.

Module 6: Shamanic Medicine Drum Journey

  • A Guide to Shamanic Medicine Drum Journey: All the basic you will need to know for taking yourself, individuals or groups on a Shamanic Medicine Drum Journey. Includes a downloadable PDF Flow sheet
  • An example of what information I would share in circle to deepen women's experience of the drum journey
  • A Drum Journey to meet your Inner Wise Woman

Module 7: Closing Ceremony

  • Siobhan Closes the space for this online pre-recorded learning journey. It also serves as an example of how she would do it in a Women's Circle

Module 8: Song Library

  • A Beginners Guide to Song Leading
  • Over a dozen Medicine Songs for you to take into your facilitation, along with some little tips and guidance for playing your shamnic drum and singing.

Holding Space Prerecorded Video Learning Journey Testimonials

Herar what past Journey Women have to say about their experience

Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to email if you have more questions that aren't answered here

  • How do I access Holding Space?

    This offering is 100% online. The pre-recorded learning is hosted by Thinkific and the Live calls, Womens Circle & Mentoring will be hosted on Zoom. Once you've completed your purchase and created your account you'll be guided to our digital portal where you can begin your deep dive. All learning materials and links to zoom calls will be found within your student portal in the course.

  • Are there any live calls?

    Yes there will be live calls for our Guest Speaker Journey which will all be recorded and uploaded to the course. There is also a pre-recorded self-paced video learning journey. The pre-recorded learning component is deep work and we've allowed space for you to walk this path in your own time. You will be able to ask questions in the comments on each lesson.

  • How long will it take me to complete this course?

    The live journey call will be 1.5-2hrs each spanning over August & Spetember. All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the student portal.

    The pre-recorded learning spans across 8 carefully curated modules with over five full hours of video content. You could watch the whole journey in one sitting, or break down and watch it slowly over a few days or weeks.

    However, we sincerely recommend that you take your time with each lesson and truly integrate the wisdom available to you before moving on to the next.

  • How long will I have access to this offering?

    Many promise lifetime access to causes today, but these online learning spaces have fees to keep them up. So I will say that you will have access to this offering for as long as Kindred Womancraft online learning exists. Guaranteed minimum of 1 year.

  • What if I have never been to a Circle?

    Dear heart, we honour your courage and curiosity to explore the possibility of becoming a circle leader, especially if you have never been to one.

    Even if you have never been to a circle Holding Space is for you! And by the end of this course, you will have attended a circle with our online Womens Circle. On top of this, the pre-recorded learning is intentionally offered in the simple structure of a Circle so you will get a feel for the rhythm. You do not need to have been to Circle before to come away from this offering feeling ready to lead with depth and heart.

  • I am wildly over committed right now, when does enrolment close?

    Enrollment for this live launch of Holding Space will close on 12th of August.

  • When will the Online Womens Circles & Group Mentoring be?

    Once the Live journey begins in August we will release time and date options for Women's Circle and Group mentoring for September & October

  • Do you offer any Scholarships?

    Yes we are offering 5 fully paid scholarships for Holding Space. The link can be found on this page above. Applications close 6th August. If you cant find the application form Email [email protected]

  • I have a question that isn't answered here.

    Kindred heart, if there is something you need to know before leaning into Holding Space, please reach out to Siobhán via email: [email protected]

Together, lets reweave the Magic & Medicine of Women's Circles back into the fabric of our our daily lives.

Because every time women gather, the earth heals a little more.

Please Note

This work is the intellectual property of Siobhán Delaney unless stated otherwise, and may not be passed on, copied, or repurposed without express permission.

Siobhán Delaney cannot offer guarantees for the outcomes of this offering, including how it will impact your life and business. While the information contained in this course has been carefully and thoughtfully curated from years of Siobhán's lived experience as a sought after Women's Circle facilitator, the interpretation and integration by you of the guidance offered by Siobhán is beyond her reasonable control. 

Please note that due to the immediate access offered and digital nature of Holding Space - Women's Circle, we are unable to offer refunds for change of mind. We trust that you will take appropriate consideration of your own personal situation before purchasing, and encourage you to reach out via email to [email protected] with any queries prior to purchase.