Kindred Womancraft was created out of a deep longing to Re-membering.....

To remember and repair the fractures in our ancestral inheritance so that we can embody our spines and lead as the Women the Earth needs NOW!

Carrying the light for those brave-hearted women who stand upon a threshold, longing, ready, to step into the unknown and remember.

Supporting women individually and collectively to find their voice, connect to their unique and authentic selves, and reclaim their innate gifts and power as the women the earth needs now.

Through reverence, ritual, ceremony, ancient and shamnice practices, soul-centric and earth-based support, Kindred Womancraft's mission is to guide women to live with depth and purpose, turned on to their deepest belonging.

Calling women to lead from their center, back straight, heart wild open, so they can become the leaders the earth is so hungering for today.

We are facing changing times where we are ALL being called into sacred leadership. Every one of us. No longer following blindly but connected with our inner wise women to guide to know what is worthy of us following AND when we must take courage, meet our edges and lead. The future is collaborative.

We need women activated and turned on not only to their power, strength, and much-needed gifts but also with the passion, backbone, and knowledge to share them in deepest service to the earth.

Kindred Womancraft calls to the women who are ready to live for this journey.

Remembering their sacred responsibility to safeguard the earth, the waters, and the skies. 

Living as if the future generations matter.

Kindred Womancraft is ultimately devoted to supporting women to inhabit their lives fully for the benefit of all. 

Activated, connected, embodied, devoted, and sovereign. Turned on to and inhabiting their innate and unique medicine and gifts.

This dear heart is the rich soil in which we are all being called to grow our roots deeper into. 

Remembering ourselves home.

About Siobhán Delaney

Creatress & Facilitator of all Kindred Womancraft offerings

With almost a decade of experience in walking with women, Birthkeeping, Leading Women's Circles, and guiding over 100 women to birth their own Shamanic Medicine Drums, Siobhán is masterful Space Holder. She is passionate about creating powerful spaces and offerings that support women to to re-member themselves whole. Spaces that ignite a spark within women to take courage and step into their soul-led authentic life. Inhabiting their spine fully, heart wild open. Ultimately, supporting women to come into contact with their innate wisdom, gifts and power so that they can inhabit their lives fully for the benefit of all. 

Siobhán shows up to all that she does motivated by her devotion to midwifing the cultural shift we so desperately need. 

She began her journey into her soul work after the power home births of her two babies, igniting within her a vision of becoming a midwife in devotion to protecting the transformational power and this rite of passage of birth. Siobhán fought her way through her diploma of midwifery, finally deciding during her year with the School of Shamanic Womncraft to leave her degree and walk her own path in a way that freed her to honour and protected through their rites of passage. Since then she has studied Spinning Babies, Traditional Postpartum Care, Herbalism and Abdominal Womb & Fertility Massage. Offering traditional and ceremonial Birthkeeping including Pregnancy Loss and Pregnancy Release Ceremony, Mother Blessings, Closing Ceremonies (closing of the bones), Traditional Postpartum Care, and Abdominal Womb & Fertility Massage.

Siobhán is a Midwife of the Soul, supporting women through rites of passage from womb to tomb. As a woman self-apprenticed to birth & grief for over a decade, she is comfortable and experienced with the landscapes, possibilities, and depths of the human experience and shamanic (inner) journey. A Shamanic craftswoman who is always learning and re-membering ancient wisdom, traditional practices and skills to add to her medicine belt. Repairing the fractures in our ancestral remembrance.

Wild and brave at heart, Siobhán is a keeper of sacred space and women’s mysteries. A community weaver whose deep love for song, stories, women, and ceremony can be felt in all her offerings. Offering soul-centric and earth-based care, support and guidance in all that she does. Supporting women and communities towards a deeper way of living in connection with self, each other, the land and more than human world. Supporting a deeper sense of belonging as together we remember ourselves Whole & Home.